Yataklete Kilkil – Ethiopian vegetable stew – Légumes à l’éthiopienne

(recette en français, plus bas)

Do you sometimes read books set in a particular country,  that are so fascinating, gripping and well written that you want to go to this country or at least discover more about it?

Ever since I read my first book from Tahir Shah, ( “The House of the Calife” ) I got addicted to his story-telling style and to the incredible adventures he describes in his books. The last one I read (not his most recent, though) is called “In search of King Solomon’s mines” (shown on the pictures, along with the dish…) and it is about Shah travelling to Ethiopia, trying to find the location of King Solomon’s gold mines. A great experience and a great book! It made me want to discover more about Ethiopia, its history and culture.

And bien entendu, is there any better way to discover the culture of a country, than to try its food?

Here is my first Ethiopian dish: Yataklete Kilkil, a vegetable gingered vegetable stew, which has the particularity to be spiced with cardamom and ginger. As I had never used these two spices only (it has garlic and onion, but no other spices), I really got intrigued and wanted to try this dish. It turned out to be a delicious mix.

I am sending this tasty dish to Joanne‘s (Eat Well with Others) monthly event on her other blog  called Regional Recipes. The country for this month is Ethiopia.

Ingredients for 2 servings :

(inspired by this recipe: here)

6 small potatoes, peeled and diced

4 small carrots (or 2 big), peeled and sliced

150g French beans cut into 2 cms chunks

2 cloves garlic

1 onion

3 cm ginger root, peeled

1-2 green chillies (more if you want the dish to be very hot)

1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and freshly ground pepper


Cook the vegetable in boiling water, with some salt, for about 10 minutes, until they are 3/4 cooked. Drain and keep aside.

In the meantime, put the onion, garlic clove, ginger, cardamom and green chillies in a food processor. Blend until it is a smooth paste.

Heat the oil in a pan. Pour this mixture and lower the heat to medium/low heat. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently. The mixture should not become brown.

Add the drained vegetable to this mixture. Mix well and simmer for 10-15 more minutes, until the vegetables are tender.

Don’t forget to send me your entry(ies) for Sweet Artichoke’s first cooking challenge: A Taste of…. Holidays.

Yataklete Kilkil –  légumes à l’ éthiopienne

Vous arrive-t-il de lire des livres dont le récit se passe dans un certain pays, et qui sont si fascinants, passionnants et bien écrits que vous souhaitez vous rendre dans ce pays ou tout au moins mieux le connaître?

Depuis que j’ai lu mon premier livre de Tahir Shah, (“La Maison du Calife”) je suis devenue une grande admiratrice de  son style de narration et de ses voyages rocambolesques, décrits dans ses ouvrages. Le dernier que j’ai lu (qui n’est pas son titre le plus récent) est appelée “A la recherche des mines du roi Salomon” (montré sur la photo) et il raconte le voyage de Shah en Ethiopie, à la recherche de  l’emplacement des mines d’or du roi Salomon. Une grande aventure et un livre génial! Il m’a donné envie d’en savoir plus sur l’Éthiopie, son histoire et sa culture .

Et bien entendu, existe-t-il une meilleure façon de découvrir la culture d’un pays, que de goûter à sa nourriture?

Voici donc mon premier plat éthiopien: le yataklete Kilkil, un ragoût de légumes au gingembre, qui a la particularité d’être épicé avec de la cardamome et le gingembre. Un délicieux mélange,.

J’envoie ce plat au challenge mensuel de Joanne sur son blog Regional recipes. Le pays de ce mois est l’Ethiopie.

Ingrédients pour 2 portions:

(d’après cette recette: ici)

6 petites pommes de terre, épluchées et coupées en dés
4 petites carottes (ou 2 grosses), épluchées et coupées en rondelles
150g haricots coupé en morceaux de 2 cm
2 gousses d’ail
1 oignon
3 cm de racine de gingembre épluchée

1-2 piments verts (plus si vous voulez…)
1/2 c. à café de cardamome
2 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive
Sel et poivre du moulin
Faire cuire les légumes dans l’eau bouillante, avec du sel, pendant environ 10 minutes, jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient cuits aux 3/4. Égoutter et réserver.
Pendant ce temps, mettre l’oignon, gousse d’ail, le gingembre, la cardamome et piment vert dans un mixer. Mixer jusqu’à ce que le mélange devienne lisse.
Chauffer l’huile dans une casserole. Y faire revenir ce mélange et baisser le feu à moyen / doux. Assaisonner avec le sel et le poivre. Faites cuire pendant 8-10 minutes, en remuant fréquemment. Le mélange ne doit pas brunir.
Ajouter les légumes égouttés au mélange. Bien mélanger et laisser cuire pendant 10-15 minutes, jusqu’à ce que les légumes soient tendres.

N’oubliez pas de m’envoyer votre (vos) participation au premier challenge organisé par Sweet Artichoke: A Taste of…. Holidays.

23 thoughts on “Yataklete Kilkil – Ethiopian vegetable stew – Légumes à l’éthiopienne

  1. What a fresh and colorful stew! I love how you plated it too! You made me not so afraid to go to Ethiopia…virtually, of course…I should get my butt in gear and find a recipe for this! Delicious!

    • You are right, cardamom and carrots is a delicious combination. I must confess that I was a bit worried to use only cardamom (as I normally mix it with cumin and coriander powder) but the result was very good! 🙂

    • Thanks, dear. The cardamom – only is very interesting and mixed with ginger, it turned out really tasty, and not overwhelmingly “cardamom-full”!!

  2. Thanks so much for your submission! I love ginger and cardamom as well…and they look especially tasty in this stew!

    I like the idea of immersing yourself in a book through food…I can just see you sitting there eating and reading at the same time…really EXPERIENCING the book.

  3. Sweet Artichoke, I am so making this! I love Ethiopian cuisine, though I must admit that Algerian is my favorite North African. Nonetheless, Ethiopian is wonderful, and this looks so old school and delicious. I like the way the veg boiled while the aromatics are almost toasted in oil, and then it’s all tossed together. Nice!

    • North African food is indeed delicious (my greatest delight being the sweets, of course)… I am a total beginner with Ethiopian food, but definitely want to explore more…

  4. What an unusual combination of spices – it looks fabulous though! And I’m just like you with reading about foreign countries & cultures – it’s lovely to be able to do some virtual traveling via food. 🙂

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